CIFAR-10 데이터셋 AlexNet 학습 시키기
Python 3.8, Jupyter 환경 이용하였습니다.
Dataset 준비
(a) Describe training setup e.g. data pre-processing/augmentation, initialization, hyperparameters such as learning rate schedule, momentum, dropout rate, batch number, BN etc. Present them systematically in the table form.
The tables below shows the summarized specification of this design. First, the optimal methods used for this model found has the condition of:
Pre-processing | Augmentation | LR Scheduler | Optimizer |
Z-score normalization |
RandomCrop, RandomHorizontalFlip, ColorJitter, RandomGrayscale |
None | ADAM |
The hyperparameters are:
Hyperparameter | Setup |
Learning Rate | 0.001 |
Initialization | None, used default values |
betas (ADAM) | Default (0.9, 0.999) |
Dropout Rate | 0.2 |
Batch Number | 512 |
Classifier Neuron | 2048 |
The code written below describes the network design and its accuracy/loss. The process made for environment selection will be discussed at *Question 1-(d)* with code attached.
The code fragment below shows the loading of dataset. To normalize the data using transform module, the following process must be gone through.
- Load data
- Calculate means and standard deviation of each values: R, G and B. These values are in the range of 0 to 255.
- Re-load the data, and prepare train-loader and test-loader based on the values prepared at step 2.
import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
# First parameter: Batch size
# Fills with nothing but the transform to tensor-function.
transform = transforms.Compose([
# Calculate means and variance for normalization
trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=True,
download=True, transform=transform)
trainloader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
shuffle=True, num_workers=4)
# Calculate each value, means and standard deviation
r_m, g_m, b_m = \
np.mean([:, :, :, 0]) / 255, \
np.mean([:, :, :, 1]) / 255, \
np.mean([:, :, :, 2]) / 255
r_s, g_s, b_s = \
np.std([:, :, :, 0]) / 255, \
np.std([:, :, :, 1]) / 255, \
np.std([:, :, :, 2]) / 255
print('Mean: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % (r_m, g_m, b_m))
print('Std: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f\n' % (r_s, g_s, b_s))
# Prepare for dataset.
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4),
transforms.Normalize((r_m, g_m, b_m), (r_s, g_s, b_s))
# There are several non-used transform methods. These will be discussed at (d).
# For the test dataset, shuffle option must be off, and other additional
# transform must not be used.
transform_test = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize((r_m, g_m, b_m), (r_s, g_s, b_s))
trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=True,
download=True, transform=transform)
trainloader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
shuffle=True, num_workers=4)
testset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=False,
download=True, transform=transform_test)
testloader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
shuffle=False, num_workers=4)
# Print metadata and check the status
print("\n[Trainset Info]\n%s" % trainset)
print("\n[Trainloader Info]\n%s" % trainloader)
print("\n[Testset Info]\n%s" % testset)
print("\n[Testloader Info]\n%s\n" % testloader)
# Show randomly selected sample image
idx = random.randint(0,10)
tensor = trainset.__getitem__(idx)[0]
image = np.squeeze(tensor.numpy())
image = (image - np.min(image)) / (np.max(image) - np.min(image))
image = image.transpose((1, 2, 0))
Downloading to ./data/cifar-10-python.tar.gz
170500096/? [00:07<00:00, 23401452.89it/s]
Extracting ./data/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to ./data
Mean: 0.491, 0.482, 0.447
Std: 0.247, 0.243, 0.262
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
[Trainset Info]
Dataset CIFAR10
Number of datapoints: 50000
Root location: ./data
Split: Train
Transform: Compose(
RandomCrop(size=(32, 32), padding=4)
ColorJitter(brightness=None, contrast=None, saturation=None, hue=None)
Normalize(mean=(0.49139967861519607, 0.48215840839460783, 0.44653091444546567), std=(0.2470322324632819, 0.24348512800005573, 0.26158784172796434))
[Trainloader Info]
< object at 0x7fee9b36fb70>
[Testset Info]
Dataset CIFAR10
Number of datapoints: 10000
Root location: ./data
Split: Test
Transform: Compose(
Normalize(mean=(0.49139967861519607, 0.48215840839460783, 0.44653091444546567), std=(0.2470322324632819, 0.24348512800005573, 0.26158784172796434))
[Testloader Info]
< object at 0x7fee9badc978>
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fee9953fac8>
The console output shows that there are 60,000 data in total. 50,000 for training set and 10,000 for testing set. To check whether the system successfully prepared the data, randomly selected image was shown using matplotlib library. It seems that the image was successfully loaded, and transformed by RandomGrayscale and RandomCrop.
Network 정의
Now, the structure below clearly shows the modified AlexNet. There are some variations made compared to the original AlexNet. The additional batch normalization layers were put just after each convolution layer along with two dropout layers at classifier2.
import torch.nn as nn
DROPOUT_RATE = 0.2 # 0.2, 0.3
class AlexNet_SukJoon(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes = CLASSES):
super(AlexNet_SukJoon, self).__init__()
self.features2 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=2),
nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=3, padding=2),
nn.Conv2d(192, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
nn.Conv2d(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
self.classifier2 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(4096, 2048),
nn.Linear(2048, 2048),
nn.Linear(2048, num_classes),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.features2(x)
x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
x = self.classifier2(x)
return x
학습 시키기
Code segment below shows the training process. There are three inner for loop. Each represents (1) training process, (2) measuring accuracy and loss for training set and (3) measuring accuracy and loss for testing set.
The code was ran using GPU, with the batch size of 512. The running time for 100 epoch was about an hour. The epoch size was not large enough, but the result shows reasonable accuracy.
from torch.autograd import Variable
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
net = AlexNet_SukJoon()
net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net) # Present it to GPU
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.001)
print("[Device] {}\n".format(device))
# Variables for plots
acc_train = []
acc_test = []
loss_train = []
loss_test = []
end_epoch = 100
for epoch in range(1, end_epoch + 1):
correct_test, total_test = 0, 0
correct_train, total_train = 0, 0
for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
inputs, labels = data[0].to(device), data[1].to(device) # get the inputs
inputs, labels = Variable(inputs), Variable(labels) # wrap them in Variable
optimizer.zero_grad() # zero the parameter gradients
outputs = net(inputs)
# forward + backward + optimize
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
with torch.no_grad():
# Calculate loss and accuracy for training set
for data in trainloader:
inputs, labels = data
inputs = inputs.cuda() # Give them to CUDA
labels = labels.cuda()
outputs = net(inputs)
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
total_train += labels.size(0)
correct_train += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
# Calculate loss and accuracy for testing set
for data in testloader:
inputs, labels = data
inputs = inputs.cuda()
labels = labels.cuda()
outputs = net(inputs)
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
total_test += labels.size(0)
correct_test += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
# Gather Information
acc_train.append(100 * correct_train / total_train)
acc_test.append(100 * correct_test / total_test)
if epoch % 5 == 0:
print('\tEpoch: %3d/%d, Acc(train, test) : (%.2f%%, %.2f%%)'
% ( epoch, end_epoch, acc_train[-1], acc_test[-1]))
# Save the model, 'alexnet_sukjoon.pth')
[Device] cuda:0
Epoch: 5/100, Acc(train, test) : (78.28%, 78.76%)
Epoch: 10/100, Acc(train, test) : (80.62%, 80.63%)
Epoch: 15/100, Acc(train, test) : (88.65%, 86.13%)
Epoch: 20/100, Acc(train, test) : (88.85%, 85.92%)
Epoch: 25/100, Acc(train, test) : (93.24%, 88.16%)
Epoch: 30/100, Acc(train, test) : (93.05%, 87.51%)
Epoch: 35/100, Acc(train, test) : (95.17%, 89.18%)
Epoch: 40/100, Acc(train, test) : (96.55%, 89.81%)
Epoch: 45/100, Acc(train, test) : (96.92%, 89.44%)
Epoch: 50/100, Acc(train, test) : (97.17%, 89.36%)
Epoch: 55/100, Acc(train, test) : (97.56%, 89.59%)
Epoch: 60/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.10%, 90.34%)
Epoch: 65/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.19%, 90.27%)
Epoch: 70/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.56%, 90.00%)
Epoch: 75/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.47%, 90.00%)
Epoch: 80/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.47%, 90.27%)
Epoch: 85/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.63%, 89.87%)
Epoch: 90/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.87%, 90.27%)
Epoch: 95/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.45%, 90.01%)
Epoch: 100/100, Acc(train, test) : (98.44%, 89.90%)
The result shows that both accuracy gradually increased. They became over 75% by fifth epoch, and over 90% by 80th epoch. The console output shows that there are some points where accuracy falls slightly at some point compared to the former epoch. This is because the console prints out at every fifth epoch and the accuracy actually oscilates as epoch increases. It is shown at the graph, Question 1-(c).
The best training and test accuracy shown in this ouput is 98.87% and 90.34% each.
Network 구조
(b) Fill in the table below to show the weights and neurons of each layer in your modified AlexNet network.
# !pip install torchstat
from torchstat import stat
stat(net, (3, 32, 32))
module name input shape output shape params memory(MB) MAdd Flops MemRead(B) MemWrite(B) duration[%] MemR+W(B)
0 features2.0 3 32 32 64 34 34 1792.0 0.28 3,995,136.0 2,071,552.0 19456.0 295936.0 2.27% 315392.0
1 features2.1 64 34 34 64 34 34 128.0 0.28 295,936.0 147,968.0 296448.0 295936.0 1.82% 592384.0
2 features2.2 64 34 34 64 34 34 0.0 0.28 73,984.0 73,984.0 295936.0 295936.0 1.22% 591872.0
3 features2.3 64 34 34 64 17 17 0.0 0.07 55,488.0 73,984.0 295936.0 73984.0 2.08% 369920.0
4 features2.4 64 17 17 192 19 19 110784.0 0.26 79,847,424.0 39,993,024.0 517120.0 277248.0 5.01% 794368.0
5 features2.5 192 19 19 192 19 19 384.0 0.26 277,248.0 138,624.0 278784.0 277248.0 1.62% 556032.0
6 features2.6 192 19 19 192 19 19 0.0 0.26 69,312.0 69,312.0 277248.0 277248.0 1.09% 554496.0
7 features2.7 192 19 19 192 9 9 0.0 0.06 46,656.0 69,312.0 277248.0 62208.0 1.87% 339456.0
8 features2.8 192 9 9 384 9 9 663936.0 0.12 107,495,424.0 53,778,816.0 2717952.0 124416.0 6.47% 2842368.0
9 features2.9 384 9 9 384 9 9 768.0 0.12 124,416.0 62,208.0 127488.0 124416.0 1.64% 251904.0
10 features2.10 384 9 9 384 9 9 0.0 0.12 31,104.0 31,104.0 124416.0 124416.0 1.45% 248832.0
11 features2.11 384 9 9 256 9 9 884992.0 0.08 143,327,232.0 71,684,352.0 3664384.0 82944.0 14.07% 3747328.0
12 features2.12 256 9 9 256 9 9 512.0 0.08 82,944.0 41,472.0 84992.0 82944.0 2.40% 167936.0
13 features2.13 256 9 9 256 9 9 0.0 0.08 20,736.0 20,736.0 82944.0 82944.0 1.72% 165888.0
14 features2.14 256 9 9 256 9 9 590080.0 0.08 95,551,488.0 47,796,480.0 2443264.0 82944.0 6.53% 2526208.0
15 features2.15 256 9 9 256 9 9 512.0 0.08 82,944.0 41,472.0 84992.0 82944.0 1.40% 167936.0
16 features2.16 256 9 9 256 9 9 0.0 0.08 20,736.0 20,736.0 82944.0 82944.0 1.10% 165888.0
17 features2.17 256 9 9 256 4 4 0.0 0.02 32,768.0 20,736.0 82944.0 16384.0 1.55% 99328.0
18 classifier2.0 4096 4096 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.13% 0.0
19 classifier2.1 4096 2048 8390656.0 0.01 16,775,168.0 8,388,608.0 33579008.0 8192.0 8.10% 33587200.0
20 classifier2.2 2048 2048 4096.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.79% 0.0
21 classifier2.3 2048 2048 0.0 0.01 2,048.0 2,048.0 8192.0 8192.0 3.10% 16384.0
22 classifier2.4 2048 2048 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.65% 0.0
23 classifier2.5 2048 2048 4196352.0 0.01 8,386,560.0 4,194,304.0 16793600.0 8192.0 5.14% 16801792.0
24 classifier2.6 2048 2048 4096.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.24% 0.0
25 classifier2.7 2048 2048 0.0 0.01 2,048.0 2,048.0 8192.0 8192.0 2.20% 16384.0
26 classifier2.8 2048 10 20490.0 0.00 40,950.0 20,480.0 90152.0 40.0 2.76% 90192.0
27 classifier2.9 10 10 20.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.61% 0.0
total 14869598.0 2.69 456,637,750.0 228,743,360.0 0.0 0.0 100.00% 65009488.0
Total params: 14,869,598
Total memory: 2.69MB
Total MAdd: 456.64MMAdd
Total Flops: 228.74MFlops
Total MemR+W: 62.0MB
Layer | # of Filter / Filter Size | Stride / Zero Padding | Feature Map Size | # of Weights | # of Neurons | # of Conv Ops (FLOPS) |
Receptive Field |
Input | - / - | - / - | $32\times32\times3$ | - | - | - | - |
Conv1 | $64$ / $3$ | $1$ / $2$ | $34\times34\times64$ | $1,792$ | $73,984$ | $2,071,552.0$ | $3$ |
BN1 | - / - | - / - | $34\times34\times64$ | $128$ | - | $147,968.0$ | - |
Pool1 | - / $2$ | $2$ / - | $17\times17\times64$ | - | - | $73,984.0$ | - |
Conv2 | $192$ / $3$ | $1$ / $2$ | $19\times19\times192$ | $110,784$ | $69,312$ | $39,993,024.0$ | $5$ |
BN2 | - / - | - / - | $19\times19\times192$ | $384$ | - | $138,624.0$ | - |
Pool2 | - / $2$ | $2$ / - | $9\times9\times192$ | - | - | $69,312.0$ | - |
Conv3 | $384$ / $3$ | $1$ / $1$ | $9\times9\times384$ | $663,936$ | $31,104$ | $53,778,816.0$ | $7$ |
BN3 | - / - | - / - | $9\times9\times384$ | $768$ | - | $62,208.0$ | - |
Conv4 | $256$ / $3$ | $1$ / $1$ | $9\times9\times256$ | $884,992$ | $20,736$ | $71,684,352.0$ | $9$ |
BN4 | - / - | - / - | $9\times9\times256$ | $512$ | - | $41,472.0$ | - |
Conv5 | $256$ / $3$ | $1$ / $1$ | $9\times9\times256$ | $590,080$ | $20,736$ | $47,796,480.0$ | $11$ |
BN5 | - / - | - / - | $9\times9\times256$ | $512$ | - | $41,472.0$ | - |
Pool3 | - / $3$ | $3$ / - | $4\times4\times256$ | - | - | $20,736.0$ | - |
FC1 | - / - | - / - | $1\times2048$ | $8,390,656$ | $2,048$ | $8,388,608.0$ | - |
BN6 | - / - | - / - | $1\times2048$ | $4096$ | - | - | - |
FC2 | - / - | - / - | $1\times2048$ | $4,196,352$ | $2,048$ | $4,194,304.0$ | - |
BN7 | - / - | - / - | $1\times2048$ | $4096$ | - | - | - |
FC3 | - / - | - / - | $1\times10$ | $20,490$ | $10$ | $20,480.0$ | - |
BN8 | - / - | - / - | $1\times10$ | $20$ | - | - | - |
Total | - / - | - / - | - / - | $14,869,598$ | $219,978$ | $228,743,360.0$ | $11$ |